
Am 4. März 2016 folgten die Klassen 3A und 3B einer Einladung in den MuTh-Konzertsaal in den Augarten. Dort gab die amerikanische Konzertpianistin Mona Golabek eine besondere Vorstellung, in der sie die Geschichte ihrer Mutter, die 1938 vor dem Holocaust aus Wien fliehen musste, erzählte.

Im Englischunterricht verfassten die Schülerinnen und Schüler der 3B dann folgenden Bericht:



The Children of Willesden Lane – musical story of an escape in 1938

Mona Golabek, an American pianist, told us the story of her mother Lisa Jura who fled to England with a so-called Kindertransport in 1938. It saved her but she had to leave Vienna without her parents and sisters. One of the most emotional moments was the part of the story when Lisa said good-bye to her family. It was much later that she was reunited with her sisters. Her parents however were deported and killed, she never saw them again. It is a gripping story, and it moved us very much.

When Mona Golabek told us that her mother stayed in the Jewish hostel and she kept playing the piano when the World War II bombs were falling, it was very moving. We could imagine how Lisa felt at this moment. We also think that it was a very difficult situation for her when three boys fell in love with her and she had to choose. Her lovers Aaron, who had to go to the army, and Günter, who gave up his German name, were very impressive.

Mona Golabek also managed that the story and the music were closely linked. For example she threw herself onto the piano when it came to dramatic moments in the story. The way she played the piano also showed her emotions. It was wonderful to see how she was one with the piano. She told the story in a very understandable English which we think is very important. It was helpful that she always said which date it was when the things happened.

We think the story is very compassionate, beautiful, sad, romantic and sometimes funny. Although Lisa Jura was a refugee and had to work hard as a teenager, she didn’t stop playing the piano, that’s very important. The message is that a dream can help you through dark times and that you should never give up.

After the performance we had the chance to ask Mona a lot of questions. Her answers were good and very detailed even though not all of the questions were interesting. It was great that we saw her in a film and live.

Mona Golabek is a brave woman to tell us the story. She also said that it was very important to her to perform it in Vienna, where it all began with her mother’s escape. However she could have told us more about herself and not only about her mom. We guess it is very hard to talk about your mother while knowing that you will never see her again. Her mother would be proud of her daughter because she wrote a book about her.

P.S.: Mehr interessante und berührende Geschichten über die sogenannten Kindertransporte gibt es in Milli Segals kleinem Museum im 3. Bezirk zu erfahren. Siehe







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